Albuquerque Dentist

Get to Know Dr. Christopher Lo

Woman in dental chair smiling at her dentist

Born and raised in the heart of the Bay Area and partially in Taiwan, Dr. Lo embodies our philosophy of making it as easy and comfortable as possible for people to get the dental care they need. He listens, he explains, and he educates at every appointment so he gives our patients healthy teeth while helping them feel informed and empowered at the same time. Before you have a chance to meet him in person, you can learn more about Dr. Lo below.

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Albuquerque dentist Doctor Christopher Lo

Dr. Lo developed a passion for dentistry and eventually went on to graduate from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. Since then, he has completed several continuing education courses and is always working to expand his knowledge and refine his skills as a dentist in Albuquerque.

Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Doctor Lo at a restaurant table with a woman and a man

Dr. Lo’s favorite hobby is doing street and engagement photography, and when he doesn’t have a camera in hand, he’ll usually swap it for a dumbbell at the gym. He also enjoys traveling both nationally and internationally so he can explore new cuisines and use them to inspire his own cooking at home.